
On This Page


September 2022

A profit-loss calculator of your stocks.

Buying Price, Quantity and Current Price is entered and the profit or loss with the percentage is calculated and displayed.

Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

palindrome birthday

September 2022

A palindrome birthday determiner.

Palindrome means the possibility to read the same forward and backward.

Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

trikon triangle

September 2022

A multi-property triangle calculator.

Calculates the existence of triangle from the angles, area of triangle from the sides, hypotenuse from base and height and a basic GK quiz.

Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

lucky birthday

September 2022

A lucky birthday determiner.

Hypothetically, a birthday is lucky if it is divisible by your lucky number.

Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.


August 2022

My ONLY-India Travel Bucket List.

Displays the destinations based on regions based on data created. Efficient use of objects and arrays.

Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JS.React.


August 2022

A balance return manager to use minimum number of notes.

Based on the bill amount and cash given, displays appropriate message and calculates the minimum number of notes.

Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.


August 2022

Dictionary of Emojis for interpretation.

Displays meaning of emoji present in data added.

Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JS.React.

doggo talk

July 2022

Dog Language Translation App using doge talk API.

Translates your message into dog language based on API algorithm. Uses the principles of fetch and promise.

Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

minion talk

July 2022

Minion Language Translation App using banana talk API.

Translates your message into minion language based on API algorithm. Uses the principles of fetch and promise.

Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Modern Electronics, Bangalore

July 2022

Website of a mid-size electronics dealer.

Built using HTML5, CSS3, PHP and JavaScript.


April 2022

Website of TECHLEONS 2022, an intra-departmental fest of Computer Science Department of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore.

Built using HTML5 and CSS3

todo list

June 2022

A Todo App to write down all chores and tasks.

calculator app

November 2022

A Calculator App with two options to calculate - an app and an input.

B.Sc CME 2020-2023

August 2020

Database and Directory of my class during my Under-Graduation at Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru.

Built using HTML5 and CSS3

New York City Travel Blog

September 2021

My first project to build a travel blog on New York City for client Lakshita Mehtta.

Built using HTML5 and CSS3

aircraft quiz

July 2022

Aircraft Quiz on the Command Line Interface.

Built using JavaScript on as CLI App.


July 2022

Quiz about me on the Command Line Interface.

Built using JavaScript on as CLI App.

More projects being added. Stay tuned :D